Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas calories begone! Christine Bleakley bends and stretches away the Yuletide excesses in her new workout DVD

By Georgina Littlejohn

Banish those Christmas
calories! Christine Bleakley gets physical in her new workout DVD released today

As soon as the New Year has been welcomed in, the dieting, exercising and detoxing will start in an attempt to get rid of the over-indulgences of Christmas.

So step in Christine Bleakley, who today released her first ever workout DVD to help banish the Yuletide calories and help people get fit for 2012.

The TV presenter is something of a fitness fanatic and was only too happy to share her workout tips with her fans.

Scroll down to watch the trailer for the DVD...

In the DVD, 'Christine Bleakley - The Workout', Christine shows off her lithe and toned physique as she works out to a number of exercise techniques.

She is joined on the DVD by her younger sister Nicola, who inspired Christine to do the DVD after she lost an incredible seven stone.

Sibling love: Christine opens the DVD talking to her sister Nicola, who inspired her to make it after she lost an incredible seven stone in a year

At the beginning of the DVD, Nicola is seen chatting to her sister and explaining why she got involved in the DVD.

She said: ''I lost seven stone in just over a year and have maintained it now for just over 12 years, so I'm extremely passionate about health and fitness.'

What's coming up: Christine explains to viewers what they can expect from her DVD

And the siblings team up with personal trainer Maria Fenn who created a range of routines for the DVD and designed especially for women.

Christine introduced the DVD to viewers and explains that it is a 'brand new techniques for toning up, slimming down and getting fit with fantastic routines that you'll really enjoy and music that is great to work out to.'

Stretch it, ladies! Christine and her sister (left) are joined by fitness instructor Maria Fenn as they go through a number of different techniques

Quick change: Christine and her sister put on yellow tops for another workout

The DVD is divided into two sections, with the first focusing on legs, arms, bottoms and core muscles, while the second half picks up the pace with more hardcore routines.

Section one includes Arm Sculptor, Core Cruncher and Legs & Bum Transformer. Section two features more hardcore routines such as advanced training session, the Bleakley Blaster and the Kick Butt Interval Training workout, one of the most effective fat burning training methods.

Toned: Christine shows off her slender arms which she achieved through vigorous workouts

Reach for the stars: Christine throws her arm skywards during a stretching exercise

Today, Bleakley, who begins presenting Dancing on Ice next month after being dropped by early morning breakfast show Daybreak, tweeted a link to the DVD as it hit online and high street stores, and wrote: 'Too much turkey and want a new you for new year? Check out out DVD. My sister's story will inspire you.'

But according to reports last year, the DVD very nearly didn't happen when Christine pulled out of making it.

The Sun reported that due to Daybreak's falling ratings, Christine decided not to make the DVD for last Christmas's market.

For bums and tums: Christine and the girls show off some crunches

Working up a sweat: Christine looked puffed out at one point as she was put through her paces

But her spokesman said: 'The project was very complicated, involving several key people. It has simply been scheduled for April when they are all available.'

Christine spent this Christmas with her footballer fiancé Frank Lampard and his two daughters from his relationship with Elen Rivas.

You too can look like this: Christine graces the cover of her workout DVD and poses with her sister and Maria on the back

But today, Rivas took to her Twitter page to hit out at both the Chelsea star and Bleakley as she accused him of 'trying to stop his children from speaking to their mother over Christmas'.

Christine then wrote: 'I'd happily put the record straight but really don't think twitter is a place to do it when children are involved x.'

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