For many women, looking good comes with a price tag. But for Jayne Fenney, achieving a bikini body cost her her house.
After losing 11st, the 50-year-old was still desperately unhappy with her appearance.
She had so much excess skin that the cosmetic surgery bill to rebuild her body was put at £30,000.

Her shopping list included a full body lift at £14,000, along with an armlift, breast uplift and thigh lift, which came to a further £16,000.
It was the sort of money she simply did not have access to. So she took the plunge and sold her smart three-bedroom semi-detached home in Rochester, Kent, for £120,000.
She now lives in a £75,000 mobile home and has had to sell her double bed, tumble drier and widescreen television – but says her new body is worth the sacrifice.
‘It may seem like a drastic decision but it was the best thing I ever did,’ she said. ‘I’ve swapped bricks and mortar for the body that I’ve always wanted and I don’t regret a single penny of it. Feeling great is worth ten houses.’

The three bedroom semi-detached house that she sold for £120,000 to fund cosmetic surgery

Miss Fenney had struggled with her weight since she was a child. By the age of ten, she weighed 10st.
She said: ‘I was teased at school and got called “weeble” and “treetrunk legs”. And the bigger I got the more I turned to food for comfort. It was a vicious circle. I’d raid Mum’s cupboards and binge on whatever I could find – tins of peaches and mounds of bread and cheese.’
At her heaviest, Miss Fenney weighed 21st.
She managed to diet down to 17st before undergoing a gastric band operation in December 2008. It cost £5,000 and was a success. Miss Fenney now weighs just 10st.

But losing so much weight had left her with lots of excess skin all over her body.
She said: ‘With clothes on I looked fine, but I had the body of a 90-year-old woman underneath. My skin had stretched so much that I just looked like a deflated balloon.’
Twice-divorced Miss Fenney began to look into having cosmetic surgery, but she could not afford the £30,000 price tag. She said: ‘I was living on my own in my three-bedroom home with a 100-foot garden, so I decided I didn’t really need all that space.
‘I can now wear a bikini for the first time.
‘I’ve bought lots to show off my new figure and I’ve got so much more confidence.
‘I don’t cover up with a beach towel any more – I’m proud to show off my new body.’